Ranking on the first page of Google is the major factor of a website that every content creator strives for.

Do you know that 95% percent of the web traffic is received by the first page of Google? & remaining 5 percent for the other pages.

To achieve certain growth, SEO (search engine optimization) is a major factor for ranking organically.

Of course, high-quality content is the major priority, but still, there are some methods to cross.

Make sure before jumping forward to perform new techniques, you have basic proper management of your blog or website.

Like having regular content, having all pages including Disclaimer, About us, Contact us, Privacy policy, etc.

These below techniques will help you to get your site on the first page of Google organically.

Everyone's dream to get their site on the first page of Google.

5 tips to get your site on the first page of Google -

Site Speed & Health-

It's really important to check your site performance, your site speed matters in the conversion of your traffic.

A study shows that if your website takes more than 4 seconds to load it creates a bad user experience and visitors go back and checks to the other sites.

If your site performance is less than 3 seconds then your good to jump to the second tip, but if your website takes more than 3 you might want to use these.

Google PageSpeed Insights

Pingdom website speed test

Webpage test


Use these tools to check your website's speed, and it also shows the issues and errors that your website might be facing, and also suggests fixing.

My choice to go for the first two.

Responsive Website -

As per Google, more than 50% of web traffic comes from mobile devices, making your site mobile friendly is the key to 50% of your problems.

Make your website responsive for mobile devices, its not only good user experience but also a great method for ranking on the first page of Google. You can use the above-mentioned tools to check whether your website is mobile-friendly.

Also, some surveys say that Google only ranks websites if it's mobile-friendly. There are really great tools to make your complex website mobile friendly.

If you are on Wordpress you can use Google AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) plugin.

This plugin will create a lighter version of your website and which will be only shown in the mobile version.

You can also do it on the blogger website, but it's a little bit more work as you need to dig into code.

Proper Traffic Analysis -

It's really important to know the metrics of your site like countries users engage with, number of clicks on a particular page, popular page or post, etc.

By analyzing traffic and audience you can convert your site to the way your analytics behave, which will drive extreme traffic.

There are many tools that show analytics and behavior of your site, here are some to great tools -

Google Analytics




These all tools are great for site insights, but still, you'll end with Google Analytics as its handier due to its mobile application.

Analyzing traffic is also the most important part to get your site on the first page of Google.

Using Keyword Research Tools For SEO -

How can someone talk about getting your site to the first page of Google and not talk about SEO?

Well, SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, most of you might already know until now. But you need to understand the word SEO, you need to mutate your site as per the search engine you are ranking for.

Now you would say what does that mean?

SEO might be easy to understand, but it's pretty hard in practice. Now to rank on Google, you need to completely understand their algorithm, how they rank sites? what search algorithm they use when we search for a particular phrase?

Keywords are the base power of organic growth and also the SEO, which is also preferred by Google itself.

There are some really great tools to check your audit report, keywords on your site, and much more data.

These are the top best Keyword research tools that every blogger must use -

Google Keyword Planner

Uber Suggest

Keywords Everywhere (Chrome Extension)


These are the best free tools to rank your site on the first page of Google.

Google Search Console -

Google Search Console is the most important tool for manually indexing your site to Google. This tool will also show all the errors your site has and the reason behind your site not being crawled on Google.

After successfully connecting your site to Google Search Console you'll begin to see some complex metrics of your site.

These are some of the important info of your site that you need to understand properly on Search Console -

Performance -

This tab will show the total number of impressions, clicks on site, Average CTR (click through ratio/rate), Average Position through a graph.

You can also view more specific data like impressions and clicks on particular pages/posts, devices, countries, search appearances, etc.

URL Inspection -

This tab will allow you to index also at the same time get core metrics of your site's particular link. After completion of the inspection, you can simply click on request indexing and voila your link is indexed on Google.

But if your site violates the guidelines of Google, it'll not get indexed. It'll also show you the reason for and fixes for the same.

Sitemaps -

The sitemap is also one of the important factors for ranking your site on the first page of Google. You can create a site map for your website by visiting xml-sitemaps.com.

If you are on Wordpress your SEO plugins like Yoast or Rankmath does the rest of the work, make sure to connect your plugins with search console.

After submitting your site map, the Search console will crawl all the links that have on your site also the ones that will be created later.

This is really a powerful tool to get on to the first page of Google.

Conclusion -

There are even more factors that matter to rank your website on Google, but the above mentioned are the most important ones and affect more in terms of others.

Follow the above-mentioned tips, and you'll definitely see some pretty good results.

Blogging, Digital Marketing is a work a lot of patience and consistency. Don't try black hat SEO techniques now, Googles algorithm is getting more precise and your site might get banned from Search Engine.

Let us know after you tried and actually got your site on the first page of Google.

To know more click on the links given below:

Get your site on Google's first page

How to show up on first page of Google:


To learn about SEO click on the link given below:

Optimum guide to SEO:

Author: Pavan Sargar

Do have a look at my blog:

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